Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Dragons World #1, The Never-Ending Sands, (Prologue) by MC

Sahara ran away from Quicksand. The worst dragon ever.

Why so bad? Because she could RUIN SAHARA’S LIFE!!

Because her mom AND DAD were part of the queens’ authority. Quicksand was bound to be a Sand Turner.

Sand Turners were dragons loyal to Queen Sand, they were not servants, (though Sahara wanted them to be.) They were dragons who went around and arrested the thieves, though thieves were not how Sahara would put it. She liked to call them, (or herself) Scavengers instead.

But today, Sahara was only two.

“Heyyy, Quicksand!” She said cheerfully, the diamonds in her scales glittering in the sunlight. “Wanna play?”

“Yes!” Quicksand said excitedly. “What should we play, even?”

Sahara thought for a moment. Maybe we should play . . . What should we play? OH YEAH!! Tag! Sahara did a joyful flip in the air. Then carefully landed on the soft sand.

“One more word to say.” Sahara said, accidentally saying “sway” instead of “say,” partly because she was only two. “TAG!! Your it!!” She jabbed her talon into Quicksand and took to the sky, only able to fly a few feet off the ground, though.

Quicksand yelped in delight and flew after her, frantically pumping her wings so hard her head lolled down and her neck folded almost in half, then she tumbled onto the sand, doing a painful flip when she fell, only to land on her head.

Sahara quickly stopped and looked at Quicksand, sprawled on the ground. But then, a split second later, she jumped up, shook herself, and called: “I OK, I double jointed in my neck! Only gonna give you a fifteen-thousand head start! ONE, TWO, FOUR, EIGHTEEN, FIFTY-FOUR, NINETY-SIX, TWO-THOUSAND-TWO!!”

As Quicksand counted, Sahara flailed away and ran as fast as she could through the sand, she tripped on a cactus and tumbled out onto the sand. Sahara felt a weird sharp pain vibrate up her wing. She turned her head and saw a bunch of cactus thorns wedged into her wing skeleton. She whimpered and looked away. She started calling for Quicksand as she heard her faint voice calling: “FOURTEEN-THOUSAND-TWO-HUNDRED-TWENTY-TWO, FIFTEEN THOUSAND!!!”

Quicksand hadn’t heard Sahara’s call, because she flew the opposite way Sahara had gone.

Then Sahara caught movement in the corner of her eye. She slowly turned toward it. It was the Sand-Burrower Snake, the deadliest snake in the dragon world, slithering toward her as she screamed and tried to get up and move, only not being able to. The snake was highly poisonous.

Quicksand was now running toward her. “Sahara, ACK, SAHARA!!” Quicksand suddenly shrieked in fear. “YOUR HURT, AND THERE’S A SAND-BURROWER SNAKE ON YOU!!” The last thing Sahara saw was the snake poising itself to lunge, and then it sunk its fangs into Sahara’s ear. Then all the pain faded, and all went black.

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