Saturday, June 25, 2022

Global Warming by FR

Global warming is a problem that everyone faces. It is also something we can fix. Lots of people create this problem and lots of people try to fix it. But it's not enough.

Earth used to be a lush planet full of life that was healthy, untouched and beautiful. Humans changed that over time when they created pollution which then caused global warming. Pollution is made up of many different things and forms in different matters.

One form of pollution is dangerous gases, like Hydrogen Cyanide, that are created in factories and are bad for the environment. They change the air quality and it becomes a danger for animals AND humans to breathe. This can cause disease for living life forms.

Another form of pollution is the trash people throw on the ground, out their window, in the ocean or anywhere else in the world that is not a trash can or recycling bin. It is dangerous for animals. They can get tangled up in the trash or mistake it as food. It is also dangerous for the environment. Trash is not good for Earth in general but it also takes a long time to break down, as in decades. Did you know that the average American creates 5 pounds of trash each day and 1,642 pounds of trash each year?

Earth is heating up and bad things are happening because of it. Ice is melting and animals are losing their homes. People are getting dehydrated more quickly and the temperature is rising. These are all facts on how the world is getting more dangerous for life.

We can prevent these tragedies from striking. We can create products that require no toxic gases,
such as Hydrogen Fluoride, to be created in the air, we can throw trash into garbage cans or recyclable objects in recycling bins. We can also make less trash by using reusable objects and recalling some of our trash and we can take care of the environment. It doesn't matter who you are, you can change the world, make it a better place and create a beautiful future.

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