Friday, June 24, 2022

Why state parks should continue doing GeoCaching by AW

My family has been doing GeoCaches for a really long time, so you can guess we were upset when we heard that state parks weren’t continuing onto the next category.

My family loves to camp and has a goal to visit all the state parks in Minnesota before we all leave for school. One of our favorite activities when we visited was GeoCaching.

My impression of GeoCaching was that my dad would get coordinates on his phone for the clue or Cache. We would then search around until we found the next clue or even the Cache. Each of the Caches held a small pack of descriptive cards, which we collected. Each category lasts for 3 years, and the last one ended Oct 2021. My dad had planned to get all the cards he could and give them to us in a folder when we were going away to school. When he told me that, I was incredibly sad that I wouldn’t be able to get a full folder of cards.

To sum it all up, my family would be incredibly happy if state parks could continue to do GeoCaching.

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