Friday, June 24, 2022

The Beheaded by AW

The King of England never thought his daughter would get beheaded on the day of his birthday, and yet here he was.

Standing in front of her prone body were the King, Queen and the prince. They were incredibly sad, and to make matters worse it was raining, and not just a drizzle but a downpour. It was like the entire world was mourning her death. The King was supposed to have a huge celebration and he had planned to give his daughter the gift she had always wanted. He had been approaching her room when he heard a horrific scream coming from her room. He rushed inside to see her lifeless body laying on the ground. He turned pale when he saw why. Her head had been sliced clean off. The King looked up just in time to see a shadowy figure exit through the window, in his haste to escape he had left a brown bag now stained red, from what, the King didn’t know. He looked back down at his daughter and realization finally came to him. She was gone. Her skin was already turning gray and she was cold to the touch. The King knelt over his lost daughter and wept. Servants rushed in and not far behind was the kingdom's doctor. The King couldn’t look up, and he was too saddened to listen to the doctor's words “she will forever be remembered.” Two maids came in carrying a stretcher and two more with mops and water came after. They laid her body on the stretcher and lay a sheet over the corpse. The blood from her neck quickly seeped through. They rushed her out of the room and a week later her funeral began.

One year later on the day the princess died, the Kingdom no longer rejoiced in the King's birthday but mourned the beautiful princess. The Queen was up in her room adding the finishing touches to the prince's jacket for the ball the next day. If they couldn’t celebrate one day they would celebrate the next. The Queen hurried over to the Prince’s room and knocked. “Come in!” A handsome voice called. The Queen strolled in and told him to try on the jacket. He went into the bathroom to try it on. A few moments later there was a piercing wail coming from the bathroom and when the Queen rushed in to see what had happened, but when she stepped in she saw a shadowy figure rush out the window just like the Princesses murderer. The Queen went weak at the knees when she looked down and saw her beloved Prince lying dead on the floor. She let out a terrible scream, so loud the entire kingdom could hear the horrific noise. Once again servants rushed in and a few fainted at the sight of yet another royal brought to his knees by beheadness. His jacket was already stained with blood from the gaping hole where his head once was. Once more the doctor ran in and again said the words, “he will forever be remembered.” Two maids brought the stretcher and a sheet and laid it down over his lifeless body. As soon as the King found out he sobbed for his lost children and proclaimed that anyone who found the man that had murdered his children, would receive a great amount of money.

After the death of the royal children the town was no longer happy on the days of the King's birthday instead they grieved for the death of the Children and everything stayed dark for a week before and a week after.

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