Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Why you should rescue dogs from dying by IJ

Have you ever seen all those dogs in shelters or just hanging out on the street alone, with no food, and company. The first feeling I get is great sadness. Imagine putting yourself in their shoes. What would you feel? I would feel sick and sorrowful.

 My dad previously owned a German Shepard. He was a playful and energetic little guy. But some people don’t  like dogs. So one day, some person from his apartment poisoned his dog. All I can feel from this hearing is that we should stop. Even if you are allergic or hate dogs, you shouldn’t slaughter an important member of someone’s family.

 Around the world, some dogs are being treated badly each day. Some are just thrown away like garbage and on to the streets. But luckily, there is something called shelters for pets. I feel so thankful for those people because they are working so hard to prevent the dogs from dying. Those people are making a great change in ending dogs from dying.

 But, that’s not enough. Those dogs can’t stay in shelters forever. They need a forever family to take care of them and love them. Just look, those dogs are in great need of love. Some of them can have a disability and be thrown out by their owner. It makes me so sad. Don’t you feel the same? So, what do you think? Can you adopt one today? Or at least donate some money to fund them?;jsessionid=00000000.app272a?idb=1120248076&df_id=6325&mfc_pref=T&6325.donation=form1&NONC  

If I were you, I would say yes.

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